Network Marketing Mindset - Do you Struggle With Fear?

In network marketing many of us have struggles with fear. We’re afraid to fail, and sometimes were even afraid to succeed. Our fear shows up in the form of procrastination, excuses, and sometimes even by doing endless amounts of personal development.

3 Ways to Help Your Network Marketing Mindset when You Struggle with Fear

1) Realize It Is Ok-It’s ok to have fear. In fact, most network marketers deal with fear. If you’re stretching yourself to reach new levels of success, it’s going to take you out of your comfort zone. There’s nothing wrong with you for feeling that way. If you’ve never jumped out of an airplane, you would probably be afraid. I would personally consider that a normal reaction. If you’ve never built a global business, you’re going to need to learn some things that you’ve never had to learn before. Let it be OK that it’s not always comfortable.

2) Take Action – When you get focused on your fears there’s a part of your brain that starts to over analyze everything, but when you take action you will actually think differently about what’s happening. Action can literally dispel fear. A lot of times when I’m personally afraid, it’s because I’m overloaded by everything that needs to be accomplished. When this happens forget trying to do everything all at once. Just ask yourself, “What’s one small step I can take right now”? Often, doing just that one little thing is all you need to break past the paralysis.

3) Use a System –One of the reasons you are fearful is that you don’t know what to do. In that case your fear is really a valid one. You need system that helps you find new interested people to talk to, and helps you get new people started successfully. When you have a system that you know and can teach, then you will have less fear about moving forward.

About the Author:

Want to know how I’m building my business? I’ve just completed a new book to help network marketers be more successful called ‘Market Network Marketing’.

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Joe Shaw is a full time network marketer and published author at hundreds of sites all over the internet.

Article Source: - Network Marketing Mindset - Do you Struggle With Fear?

Network Marketing, Fear, Take Action, Network Marketing Mindset