Network Marketing Success - Big Money in Small Actions

In network marketing the big money comes taking small actions consistently over a period of time. If you’re a part timer, you’re first goal should be to make enough money to quit your job. Then you can really pull out the stops and go for it. Your success in network marketing is not based on your experience as much as your commitment to do a few things well.

3 Small Actions that Help You Make the Big Money

1) Set and Do Daily Minimums – What are your minimum activities that you are absolutely committed to doing every day? These activities could include making a new contact, follow up calls, showing your business plan, 3 way calls, personal development, team calls, etc… If you’re marketing your business with articles, how many articles a day are you committed to writing?

Set a daily minimum and follow through. Businesses set measureable goals, and then review how well they are doing with those goals. And you should set daily minimums that will directly grow your business. Pick goals that are realistic, obtainable, and sustainable for your situation, and then hold yourself accountable. Your success in network marketing is dependent on your consistent action.

2) Plug into Your Team – If your team doesn’t already have a team call, then either find one or start one. Most people just can’t move forward by themselves. Even if you have to join hands with cross-line people for mutual support, I think it’s critical that you be plugged into a group of 5 or 6 other likeminded people on at least a weekly basis. A good team call will provide Support for your business, Accountability for your progress, and Solutions for your problems.

3) Use A System –You need a system that you can KNOW, DO, and TEACH. You make money when you have a system because you don’t have to stop and think all the time. You must have a systematic way of finding new prospects, educating those prospects so they can make a decision, and then helping new team members launch a successful business. If you don’t have a system like that, then you need to call your upline and get a process in place.

About the Author:

Want to know how I’m building my business? I’ve just completed a new book to help network marketers be more successful called ‘Market Network Marketing’.

Download it Free at

Joe Shaw is a full time network marketer and published author at hundreds of sites all over the internet.

Article Source: - Network Marketing Success - Big Money in Small Actions

Network Marketing, Success, Team, System, Action, Network Marketing Success, Big Money